Confermata in appello una condanna ingiusta
3 maggio 2007 – ll 12 aprile si è tenuto a Phnom Penh il processo di appello a carico di due persone, Born Samnang e Sok Sam Oeun, accusate dell’assassinio di Chea Vichea, presidente del Sindacato libero dei lavoratori del regno di Cambogia (FTUWKC), avvenuto il 22 gennaio 2004 (vedi Newsletter n. 3/2007). La sentenza ha confermato la condanna a vent’anni di carcere per entrambi. Il FTUWKC, le organizzazioni internazionali per i diritti umani, fra cui Amnesty international, il rappresentante per i diritti umani dell’ONU in Cambogia hanno fin dall’inizio sollevato seri dubbi sui risultati dell’indagine condotta dalla polizia e sulle procedure processuali che hanno determinato la condanna in primo grado. Oltre a molte altre irregolarità, i testimoni oculari chiave non sono stati ascoltati e in seguito hanno ricevuto minacce di morte.
La seconda udienza del processo di appello, fissata volutamente all’insolita ora delle 7,30 di mattina e nel giorno in cui i cambogiani festeggiano il capodanno, è iniziata con dieci minuti di anticipo impedendo agli accusati, ai loro legali, e alle organizzazioni della società civile di essere presenti. In poco meno di venti minuti, la corte ha respinto la richiesta del pubblico ministero di svolgere una nuova indagine, ha rifiutato di ascoltare i testimoni della difesa, non ha convocato l’ex capo della polizia di Phnom Penh, che Born Samnang aveva accusato nella prima udienza di averlo torturato per estorcergli una confessione, e ha confermato la sentenza di condanna a vent’anni di reclusione.
Secondo l’Asian human rights commission (AHRC), che ha seguito fin dall’inizio il caso, è chiaro il tentativo del governo di coprire un delitto politico individuando due opportuni capri espiatori. Il 18 aprile scorso, l’OIL ha stigmatizzato in una dichiarazione ufficiale gli esiti del processo di appello rivolgendo nuovamente al governo cambogiano l’invito a svolgere una nuova indagine, seria e imparziale, sull’assassinio di Chea Vichea.
INVIATE UNA LETTERA AL GOVERNO CAMBOGIANO (fate copia e incolla del testo che trovate di seguito)
Mr. Samdech Hun Sen Prime Minister E-mail: Mr. Sar Kheng Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior E-Mail: or
CAMBODIA: Unjust conviction of two men by the appeal court in the murder of Chea Vichea I strongly condemn an unjust and politically biased conviction of Born Samnang and Sok Samoeun in the murder of a prominent union leader Chea Vichea by the Court of Appeals on 12 April 2007. I am informed that the Court of Appeals upheld the Municipal court’s verdict in August 2005, in which that the two accused had been sentenced 20 years imprisonment.
However, I do not think the hearings of the appeal court were just and fair. The final hearing was conducted in an absentia of the two defendants and their defence lawyers. It is such a wrong procedure that the appeal should not decide in absentia without the present of the defendants, the defendants’ lawyer because the defendants have also their rights to listen to the verdict announce.
I am also informed that during the hearings, the appeals court rejected all of the defend witnesses and did not bring the prosecution witnesses for the hearing at all. The appeal court also rejected prosecutor’s request on April 6 for re-investigation to find real murderer. I am informed that the judge had always accepted the prosecution witnesses’ testimony that they did not even join the appeal hearing. I suspect that there could be a political motivation behind the appeal verdict.
During the appeal hearing on 6 April 2007, Bon Samnang raised a lot about the torture in the police station that the police had tortured him to confess. However, all these matters were simply ignored. The appeal judge did not also accept Ms. Va Sothy’s statement issued on 10 August 2006 from Thailand who is the eyes-witness at the sense and who see the perpetrators very clearly because Ms. Va Sothy haven’t vow before the court.
There are many other irregularities in the appeal hearings.
On top of that, I think the final appeal court hearing on 12 April 2007 seemed so ridiculous because it was too rush that the judge started the hearing at 7: 20 am which is wrong this his schedule that suppose to started at 7: 30am so that it could less interested and participated from the international observer or media or the defend lawyers. I also think that the court had deliberately chose 12 April for its verdict to minimise when Cambodians are busy celebrating their new year.
From the begging since the murder of Chea Vichea, criminal investigation and trial was deeply flawed relating to murder of Chea Vichea and I believe that the true perpetrators responsible for the murder of Chea Vichea have not been held to account. Born Samnang and Sok Sam Oeun had alibis for the time of the shooting, but those providing the alibis were threatened and detained by police, while other witnesses were also intimidated by the police.
Now Born Samnang and Sok Sam Oeun will be held in prison for 20 years for the crime these two men in all probability have not committed. In all probability too this is a huge miscarriage of justice.
I therefore strongly urge the Cambodian authorities as well as international commnity to immediately intervene into this matter to bring independent and effective re-investigation into the murder of Chea Vichea so that the real murderers are brought to justice. Born Samnang and Sok Sam Oeun should be given a chance for re-trial and released without delay, unless there is sufficient evidence to bring charges against them.
Yours truly,